Be a Sponsor
The Adopt-a-Library program is a long-running project that allows donors to direct sets of shortlisted books (valued at $500) to a school library of their choosing. Since 2007, we have raised a combined total of $100,000 worth of books for schools in communities across BC.
With this contribution, elementary and secondary schools across BC and Yukon are exposed to the best of literary arts within their own regions. We see the program as a great opportunity to provide valuable resources and sources of inspiration for the young and growing generation of the region’s youth.
To become a sponsor, you can make a $500 donation through our online form, or contact us to arrange payment by cheque or e-transfer. Once you have made your donation, we will be in touch to find out of there is a specific school you wish to support, or if you’d like us to select a school in need. All donors receive a charitable tax receipt in the full amount of their donation.

Margaret Olmstead of Bulkley Valley Credit Union with Teacher Librarian, Teresa Monkman of Smithers Secondary School, and Bryan Pike (Smithers, 2007)

Mike Berg from Columbia Basin Trust with Donation to Redfish Elementary (Nelson, 2008)
As a School Sponsor ($500 per school) of the Adopt-A-Library program you would be recognized in the following ways:
- You will be invited to present the library of books to the school(s) you have adopted
- Your name will appear on a book plate in each book donated to your adopted school(s) that reads, “Donated by [Your Name Here]”
- You will receive name recognition on the BC and Yukon Book Prizes website
Indigenous Youth Outreach
The BC and Yukon Book Prizes have been at work developing several initiatives that aim to make the Prizes more accessible to Indigenous youth living in remote areas across BC and Yukon.
Phase one of this project will make use of our Adopt-a-Library program. During this initial phase, we intend to identify schools, libraries and cultural centres in Indigenous communities that would most benefit from receiving directed sponsorships through the Adopt-a-Library program, pairing them with donors in their vicinity.
We will also compile, as an order form, a list exclusively made up of books by Indigenous authors who have been shortlisted for the Prizes over the past five years, which the centres may then use to make their book selections. With this initiative, we hope to increase the chance that Indigenous youth across the region will see themselves reflected in excellent literature, while also increasing the profiles of the brilliant Indigenous authors with whom we’re grateful to be associated.
Phase two of this initiative will identify Indigenous communities and centres along the Prizes Tour route where we can host readings, panels, and workshops, allowing Indigenous youth to directly interact with some of the best literary creators our region has to offer.
Sponsor an Award
As an Award Category Sponsor, attach your name to one of the prizes to be awarded at the gala dinner as well as receive recognition on various promotional materials. As a sponsor you are supporting an important and vital literary tradition in British Columbia that celebrates and promotes local authors.
Support BC and Yukon Book Prizes On Tour
By bringing finalist authors to bookstores, libraries and public schools, together we will encourage the development of the literary arts in British Columbia and Yukon and promote interaction among authors, young people and the general public. Sponsors of the BC and Yukon Book Prizes tour will enjoy recognition before, at and between events in several locations across BC.