The Parcel By Anosh IraniPublisher: Knopf Canada Book Description Set in Kamathipura, Bombay’s notorious red-light district, The Parcel tells of a retired transgender sex worker named Madhu, who identifies as a “hijra”—neither man nor woman. She receives a call from...
Niagara Motel Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit By Ashley LittlePublisher: Arsenal Pulp Press Book Description Eleven-year-old Tucker Malone is the only child of a narcoleptic touring stripper who believes his father is Sam Malone from Cheers. He...
The Dancehall Years Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit by Joan HaggertyPublisher: Mother Tongue Publishing Book Description Gwen Killam is a child on Bowen Island whose idyllic summers are obliterated by the outbreak of the war. Her swimming...
The Conjoined by Jen Sookfong LeePublisher: ECW Press Book Description While sorting through her recently deceased mother’s belongings, social worker Jessica Campbell makes a shocking discovery—two dead girls curled into the bottom of her mother’s chest freezers. She...
The Heaviness of Things That Float by Jennifer ManuelPublisher: Douglas and McIntyre Book Description Bernadette has spent the last forty years living alone on the periphery of a remote West Coast First Nations reserve, serving as a nurse for the community. Only weeks...