Big Lonely Doug

Big Lonely Doug

Big Lonely Doug The Story of One of Canada’s Last Great Trees Harley RustadPublisher: House of Anansi Press Book Description Big Lonely Doug  weaves the ecology of old-growth forests, the legend of the West Coast’s big trees, the turbulence of the logging industry,...
Beau Dick

Beau Dick

Beau Dick Darrin MartensPublisher: Figure 1 Publishing Book Description Although foremost known as an artist, Beau Dick was actively engaged in all aspects of Kwakwaka’wakw culture: studying and revivifying the traditions of carving, dancing, and storytelling. Beau...
Athlii Gwaii

Athlii Gwaii

Athlii Gwaii Upholding Haida Law at Lyell Island Council of the Haida NationPublisher: Locarno Press Book Description In 1985, the Haida Nation refused to accept the relentless industrial logging practices that were ravaging Gwaii Haanas. Designating the area...
Breaching the Peace

Breaching the Peace

Breaching the Peace The Site C Dam and a Valley’s Stand Against Big Hydro Sarah CoxPublisher: On Point Press, UBC Press Book Description Breaching the Peace tells the story of the ordinary citizens who are standing up to the most expensive megaproject in BC history...
Just Let Me Look at You

Just Let Me Look at You

Just Let Me Look at You On Fatherhood Bill GastonPublisher: Hamish Hamilton Book Description Sons clash with fathers, sons find reasons to rebel. And, fairly or unfairly, sons judge fathers when they take to drinking. But Bill Gaston and his father could always fish...