by LaurenEBC | Mar 19, 2021
Leonard Linklater Winner of the Borealis Prize: The Commissioner of Yukon Award for Literary Contribution Leonard Linklater is a playwright and founding Gwaandak Theatre Co-Artistic Director, a journalist and host of CBC Yukon’s Midday Cafe. A member of the Vuntut...
by LaurenEBC | Mar 18, 2021
Patti Flather Winner of the Borealis Prize: The Commissioner of Yukon Award for Literary Contribution Patti Flather is an award-winning playwright, dramaturg, director, and writer. A scene from Paradise is featured in Refractions: Scenes with Playwrights Canada Press....
by LaurenEBC | Mar 18, 2021
Joy Kogawa Winner of the Lieutenant Governor’s Award for Literary Excellence Acclaimed author Joy Kogawa is best known as the author of Obasan (1981), a Canadian novel that has become essential reading for a nation. Obasan is based on Joy and her family’s forced...
by LaurenEBC | Mar 18, 2021
Julie Flett Winner of the Lieutenant Governor’s Award for Literary Excellence Julie Flett is a Cree-Metis author, illustrator, and artist. She has received many awards including the 2017 Governor General’s Award for Children’s Literature for her work on When We Were...
by LaurenEBC | Mar 18, 2021
Vancouver After Dark The Wild History of a City’s Nightlife Aaron ChapmanPublisher: Arsenal Pulp Press Book Description In his latest book, bestselling author, musician, and cultural historian Aaron Chapman looks back at the most famous music entertainment venues in...