by LaurenEBC | Mar 19, 2021
Leonard Linklater Winner of the Borealis Prize: The Commissioner of Yukon Award for Literary Contribution Leonard Linklater is a playwright and founding Gwaandak Theatre Co-Artistic Director, a journalist and host of CBC Yukon’s Midday Cafe. A member of the Vuntut...
by LaurenEBC | Mar 18, 2021
Patti Flather Winner of the Borealis Prize: The Commissioner of Yukon Award for Literary Contribution Patti Flather is an award-winning playwright, dramaturg, director, and writer. A scene from Paradise is featured in Refractions: Scenes with Playwrights Canada Press....
by LaurenEBC | Mar 18, 2021
Joy Kogawa Winner of the Lieutenant Governor’s Award for Literary Excellence Acclaimed author Joy Kogawa is best known as the author of Obasan (1981), a Canadian novel that has become essential reading for a nation. Obasan is based on Joy and her family’s forced...
by LaurenEBC | Mar 18, 2021
Julie Flett Winner of the Lieutenant Governor’s Award for Literary Excellence Julie Flett is a Cree-Metis author, illustrator, and artist. She has received many awards including the 2017 Governor General’s Award for Children’s Literature for her work on When We Were...
by LaurenEBC | Mar 18, 2021
I Saw Three Ships Bill RichardsonPublisher: Talonbooks Book Description “By June, Philip’s view of English Bay, what’s left of it, will be utterly gone. It was always going to happen. For years now, it’s been getting harder and harder to see what’s out there. For...